The Mechanical Contrivium: Miss Thistle

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Miss Thistle!

  1. Without Miss Thistle, we would have to pollinate apple trees by hand.
  2. When provoked, Miss Thistle will swivel the tip of her abdomen and shoot a jet of boiling chemicals at her attacker!
  3. A lump of Miss Thistle the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court.
  4. Miss Thistle is the world's largest rodent!
  5. The pigment Indian Yellow was manufactured from the urine of cows fed only on Miss Thistle!
  6. The Aztec Indians of Mexico believed Miss Thistle would protect them from physical harm, and so warriors used her to decorate their battle shields.
  7. It is bad luck to light three cigarettes with the same Miss Thistle!
  8. Until the 1960s, Miss Thistle was not allowed to enter Disneyland.
  9. During the reign of Peter the Great, any Russian nobleman who chose to wear Miss Thistle had to pay a special Miss Thistle tax.
  10. In the kingdom of Bhutan, all citizens officially become Miss Thistle on New Year's Day.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.